
This is my take of this week Freshly Made Sketches‘ sketch. I stamped this flower…


It is at the eleven hour that I present you my take of this week…


I’m back today with another take of this week Freshly Made Sketches‘ sketch. I gave…


Today I share with you the card that was inspired by this week’s Freshly Made…


Voici ma version du lift proposé par Kinna sur Little Scrap ce mois-ci.   Merci…


Une carte faite pour les consignes de mai sur Little Scrap.


Un lift d’une carte d’Emmanuelle mise à l’honneur ce mois-ci sur Little Scarp.   Merci…


Voici ma version de la carte secrete du mois de mai sur Little Scrap. Merci…


I come today with a card that was inspired by this week’s Freshly Made Sketches#440.…


Voici la carte que j’ai faite le mois dernier pour la bonne pioche proposée par…